Year 4 - 7

Supermarket Ads
There are a lot of possible activities using supermarket ads. Here's a good follow-up for food vocabulary, recipes, etc: Bring in multiple copies of supermarket catalogs. Put students in groups of three. Tell each group they are friends planning a dinner party. Each group has $75 to spend. After planning their party, each group elects one student to present to the rest of the class. Once all the groups have presented, ask the class to vote on which dinner party they would most like to attend.

Delivery Menus
Bring in delivery menus from many Chinese and Indian and restaurants. After reviewing menu/food vocabulary, put students in groups of three or four. The task is for groups to decide collectively on what they will have for dinner.Give each student a role card. Possible roles could be:
"You're a vegetarian, but you don't like mushrooms or spinach."
"You only have ten dollars to contribute to the meal. You really like spicy food."
"You love shrimp. You will be very unhappy if your group doesn't order at least one shrimp dish."
"You have a sensitive stomach and cannot eat spicy food."
After each group decides they should elect one member of the group to participate in a telephone role-play in front of the whole class.

Comic Strips
Have varies comic strips. Comic strips have different cultural settings or experience. Distribute one comic strip per pair. Students work together to fill in the speech bubbles. Once the students are finished, post their comic strips to allow their classmates to compare with the other versions. Have the pairs tell the class why they used those words to match that comic? how these characters in the comic feel about there situation? etc.