Our reading we examined had two central understandings of effective language and literacy instruction. Our key findings were:

1.       That all children bring expertise in their language and literacy practices to the classroom

2.       That instructional talk that teachers are using are failing to support or scaffold learners whose language and literacy practices differ from those privileged in classroom. Teachers are placing the blame on students, they are asking the wrong questions about the text and don’t provide opportunities for discussion to allow for meaning making.

With this being our findings, you will be able to see our  model of how to scaffold the learning for reading a text with ESL learners. You will pick up on the types of questions and discussions you need to use to fill in the gaps so ESL learner make meaning from texts.

What makes text difficult to understand for ESL learners?

-          Unfamiliar words
-          Lack of background knowledge
-          Difficult concepts e.g. from our western culture
-          Complex syntax and noun groups
-          Advanced cohesion